Research Podcast
Communicating with Empathy in the Digital World
In this podcast, John Jantsch meets with Nick Morgan to discuss communicating with empathy in the digital world. Throughout the duration of the podcast, many concepts are discussed relating to the content that we have learned in class. In the beginning, they start off by talking about how virtual communication has been extremely beneficial in certain situations. It provides a means of communicating with loved ones and friends who live far away and all the way to connecting with coworkers. While it does provide many benefits, there are some hurdles as well.
Online communication has become quite addictive for younger, digital natives. The uptake in technology has impacted how younger generations learn. Many teenagers and young adults have found that it is becoming increasingly hard to learn with an abundance of technology. Older learning methods don't provide the same benefits in today's world. In addition, due to the addictive nature of cell phones, Morgan has found that, "there’s a direct correlation between the amount of time those two populations spend on their mobile phones or in virtual media and their likelihood of being depressed." (Jantsch, 2018) Given the fairly new mode of communication, it is essential that we adapt to communicating online.
Ferrazzi, K. (2020, March 31). How to Avoid Virtual Miscommunication. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from
Green, J. (2022). Challenges/Limitations to Mediated Communication [Slides]. Canvas.
Jantsch, J. (2018, October 31). Transcript of Communicating with Empathy in the Digital World. Duct Tape Marketing. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from